Kayaking In Winter…?

The annual Iceman Championship took place on January 4th right here at The Saluda Riverwalk bringing people from all over the Southeast to partake in this event.

Yes, I know it sounds crazy.

Who would want to go kayaking in the winter? It sounds cold and miserable, Right? I kinda thought the same thing when I heard about this annual kayaking contest in January. I just thought, Why?

But, there is more to it than just kayaking in 40 degree weather

The first Iceman Championship was held in 2001. Knowing that accessibility to the river was in the foreseeable future, the boating community got together to organize a unique event that participants and tourists can enjoy!

One of Palmetto Outdoor’s own Andy Byler decided to participate in his first Iceman Championship!

When asked how it felt to partake in this years competitive cold plunge he said: “I’m happy to represent the singled bladed community in this year’s Iceman. What a refreshing way to start the year! #teamcanoe”

This event brings together kayaking enthusiasts.. and even beginners to enjoy their passion of adventure and the outdoors. With food trucks and plenty of spots along the river to veiw as the kayakers race down, and a great way to get outdoors in the Winter. I encourage everyone to come and spectate (or even participate) next years Iceman Championship!


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