Whitewater 101: Class (II/III) in Session

Have you ever wanted to learn how to whitewater kayak?

Photo courtesy of Bryan Hall/Whitewater 101

Columbia, SC is the perfect place to learn from a local kayaking community. Whitewater 101, a local non-profit, takes advantage of Columbia’s location: on a fall line, creating fun and safe class I-III whitewater rapids.

Photo courtesy of Bryan Hall/Whitewater 101

Courses are offered durin the Spring and Summer, with optional gear rental.

Through their 6 week course, participants learn about paddling techniques and boating safety. The course wraps up with a trip up to the Lower Nantahala River for a weekend paddle excursion.

Photo courtesy of Bryan Hall/Whitewater 101

Whitewater kayaking is a great way to challenge yourself, instill self confidence, and become part of a community who support each other.

See you on the river!


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